Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Relaxing kind of day

Today was a relaxing kind of day. I woke up, started my morning like I usually do. I had breakfast with the family. Spent a little time with my little jayvin. We watched team umizoomi for the thousandth time. I know when he wants to watch it, because he repeats the only part he knows in the song. Until I finally notice and put it on or he wants me to sing it with him. Omg. It is so funny. Sometimes he even gets mad at me, if I don't sing with him. Like the other day I was on the phone with my tutu (which means grandma in Hawaiian). He started singing the team umizoomi song while staring me down. lol. He was probably like "what the heck mom, Why aren't you singing with me." Then all of a sudden he starts yelling out, Hey! Hey! Hey! I looked over and told him to be patient and wait until mommy is off the phone. He got so mad, He shouted out, "Noooo!'lol. He is such a little character. So after I watched a few programs with jayvin. I decided to get up and start cleaning my down stairs apartment. Well, kinda. But yeah, I finished the laundry, put away clothes, I vacuumed the carpets, Wiped down the counters. I was just making things tidy and neat. I hate when there is stuff every where. It seriously drives me nuts. I even get on Eric like all the time , because he does not know how to put his stuff away. Sometimes I feel like I have another child in the house. He is so lucky I love him. So after I finished everything I noticed my nails needed to be done again. They were chipping and just not looking cute anymore. I knew then it was time to re-do them. I decided to go pink with glitter and use Opi Nicki Minaj nail line. So While I was sitting down painting my nails (my hands first of course), I was trying to focus and not mess them up. I can see out of the corner of my eye that jayvin was watching me. Then all of a sudden he picks up one of the nail polishes out of my box and then shows me his hand. He says, "Mom Hands, Hands". I was thinking to myself "Omg. He really wants me to paint his nails. So I acted like I didn't hear him. And he just kept going "Mom Hands, Hands, Hands. At first I was thinking,"I'm not gonna paint his nails because he's gonna stick his fingers in his mouth."Then I finally gave in and picked out the clear coat nail polish. I told him to lay his hands flat. He watched me patiently paint his nails. He got so excited. He blew on them and everything just like mommy. In a way I thought it was the cutest thing but on the other hand I was like "wow he's hanging around mommy way to much". What can I say he's just as high maintenance as his daddy. After that, I finally got him down for a nap. While he was sleeping I decided to paint my toes. OMg. That was that hardest thing to do with this big prego belly in my way. I had to literally take breaks in between coats. Now that I think about it. That is the funniest thing to me, lol but I really had to breath and take a break and then do it again. I felt like a total fat kid. And juellz didn't like it so much either. During the breaks he was kicking up a storm. He was probably saying ,"Hey mom your squeezing me". lol.

My Text to Eric about my nails<3

Finally I finished My nails. I would have to say I did a pretty good job. Who ever said, you needed to pay to get your nails did. lol. And I love how my nails are so strong and long. I guess thats one of the pro's when your prego.lol. 

Here is the Outcome. And yes I am very Proud lol. So that is my exciting day. Well, not really but I hoped you enjoyed the highlight's just as much as I did. It's the little things that makes a relaxing day even better. Looking forward to a birthday surprise tonight for my brother in law, Moe. I would tell you the surprise, but he might read this and then it would totally be ruined. No Bueno. I'm not gonna be the one to spoil it lol. Any Ways have a good night. Until next time Loves<3

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