Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Relaxing kind of day

Today was a relaxing kind of day. I woke up, started my morning like I usually do. I had breakfast with the family. Spent a little time with my little jayvin. We watched team umizoomi for the thousandth time. I know when he wants to watch it, because he repeats the only part he knows in the song. Until I finally notice and put it on or he wants me to sing it with him. Omg. It is so funny. Sometimes he even gets mad at me, if I don't sing with him. Like the other day I was on the phone with my tutu (which means grandma in Hawaiian). He started singing the team umizoomi song while staring me down. lol. He was probably like "what the heck mom, Why aren't you singing with me." Then all of a sudden he starts yelling out, Hey! Hey! Hey! I looked over and told him to be patient and wait until mommy is off the phone. He got so mad, He shouted out, "Noooo!'lol. He is such a little character. So after I watched a few programs with jayvin. I decided to get up and start cleaning my down stairs apartment. Well, kinda. But yeah, I finished the laundry, put away clothes, I vacuumed the carpets, Wiped down the counters. I was just making things tidy and neat. I hate when there is stuff every where. It seriously drives me nuts. I even get on Eric like all the time , because he does not know how to put his stuff away. Sometimes I feel like I have another child in the house. He is so lucky I love him. So after I finished everything I noticed my nails needed to be done again. They were chipping and just not looking cute anymore. I knew then it was time to re-do them. I decided to go pink with glitter and use Opi Nicki Minaj nail line. So While I was sitting down painting my nails (my hands first of course), I was trying to focus and not mess them up. I can see out of the corner of my eye that jayvin was watching me. Then all of a sudden he picks up one of the nail polishes out of my box and then shows me his hand. He says, "Mom Hands, Hands". I was thinking to myself "Omg. He really wants me to paint his nails. So I acted like I didn't hear him. And he just kept going "Mom Hands, Hands, Hands. At first I was thinking,"I'm not gonna paint his nails because he's gonna stick his fingers in his mouth."Then I finally gave in and picked out the clear coat nail polish. I told him to lay his hands flat. He watched me patiently paint his nails. He got so excited. He blew on them and everything just like mommy. In a way I thought it was the cutest thing but on the other hand I was like "wow he's hanging around mommy way to much". What can I say he's just as high maintenance as his daddy. After that, I finally got him down for a nap. While he was sleeping I decided to paint my toes. OMg. That was that hardest thing to do with this big prego belly in my way. I had to literally take breaks in between coats. Now that I think about it. That is the funniest thing to me, lol but I really had to breath and take a break and then do it again. I felt like a total fat kid. And juellz didn't like it so much either. During the breaks he was kicking up a storm. He was probably saying ,"Hey mom your squeezing me". lol.

My Text to Eric about my nails<3

Finally I finished My nails. I would have to say I did a pretty good job. Who ever said, you needed to pay to get your nails did. lol. And I love how my nails are so strong and long. I guess thats one of the pro's when your prego.lol. 

Here is the Outcome. And yes I am very Proud lol. So that is my exciting day. Well, not really but I hoped you enjoyed the highlight's just as much as I did. It's the little things that makes a relaxing day even better. Looking forward to a birthday surprise tonight for my brother in law, Moe. I would tell you the surprise, but he might read this and then it would totally be ruined. No Bueno. I'm not gonna be the one to spoil it lol. Any Ways have a good night. Until next time Loves<3

Monday, January 30, 2012

Busy me ended with Creative frustration..blah

So I woke up a little early today..actually everyday because eric always tends to wake me up when he's getting ready for work. It drives me nuts sometimes. Before he leaves he always kisses me goodbye. Then I fall back to sleep like a baby. But this morning he forgot to kiss me goodbye. I actually was looking forward to my goodbye kiss this morning ( super sad face). So when I finally rolled my prego butt out of bed to start my day. I made sure to text him to let him know he totally forgot about my kiss. He laughed and in response said I looked so peaceful and sound asleep that he didn't want to wake me. I replied and said I woke up and I was waiting and you never came back to kiss me. He laughed and said he loved me and that next time he wont forget. Omg, I feel so in love with him. Especially when he's not driving me nuts..lol. Love is meant to drive you crazy sometimes lol but most of the time it feels like heaven.

So any ways back to my day. Sorry I got a little off track in La La love Land. Silly me. So I ate my healthy breakfast while having a nice convo with my mother in law about the housing market and what to look for in buying a house. We are looking forward to buying our first house for our growing family in August. And I can't wait. So after breakfast I realized I had a lot to do today. I relaxed on the couch for a bit and read a little, wrote down family members addresses for the baby shower invites. Then I made a list of what Stores I needed to go to and what to get. Man let me tell you, writing a list helps a lot when your prego. Especially Me, because I swear I forget everything. My memory is totally shot. I then made sure I put my to do list in my purse so I wouldn't forget it. Then  I started to get ready for my day. I wasn't planning on getting dolled up but what do you know. I did. 

So As soon as I fixed myself up ,I prepared Jayvin for his outing with Mommy. Then before you know it, we were ready to go. I of course asked Moe's girlfriend stephanie to go with me. Since I'm still getting to know fairfield area. We got in my little toaster on wheels and took off to our first stop which was cvs. Then off we went to our next destination which was the Eco friendly baby store in Cordellia called Banana Peels. I suggest checking it out if you are a mama like me. Any ways I was there to pick up a baby shower gift for eric's cousin christine Aka tisay. I can't wait to give it to her. She is gonna love it. While I was in the store I found these adorable little cloth wipes. Super cute. I couldn't resist. I had to buy them.
 I would have bought everything in there if I stayed any longer. So We left to go grab a bite to eat. I finally decided on hawaiian food. Let me tell you though, it sucked! Nothing like the real deal. Even Jayvin was like no more mommy. After our tummy's were full, we walked over to the craft store to get some idea's on how I'm going to make these owl baby shower invites. So here is where the frustrations comes in. I finally came up with a concept on how I wanted to make them. I purchase the paper colors and special scissors to start off. Just so I can get the shapes down on how to make the owl. Well, I get home, carry jayvin into the bedroom because he just so happened to fall asleep right when we pulled in the drive way. So I was thinking,"That's perfect". Now I can have some quiet time to figure out how to make the owl. I laid jayvin down on the bed. Removed his shoes off his adorable little feet and quietly left the room. I started drawing out the shapes and then cutting them. Omg. I was getting so frustrated because my shapes came out all funky and not well proportioned. And it just wasn't turning out the way I imagined. And even though I went to art school. Everyone in their mama know's my drawing skills are not all that great. My teacher called them puny..lol. I guess I'm gonna have to figure out another way of doing it. Blah..So irritating.

  I guess I'll ask my better half once he gets home on how to do it. See if he can think of an easier way. Otherwise I might have to buy baby shower invitations that are already printed. We shall see. Major Bummer right now. Well, I think that is enough of my day. I'm gonna end up writing a novel if I don't stop now. lol. Have a good evening. Until next time loves<3

Sunday, January 29, 2012

I'm going crazy with all these baby thoughts. I found out I was expecting my second baby in October 2011. Ever since then I can't stop thinking about this lil guy. I found out I am having another boy when I was about 16 weeks. At first I was so upset because I wanted a lil girl of my own so bad. I was so sure I was having a girl. But I guess god had other plans for me. It was confirmed at my 20 week appointment that it was for sure a baby boy. By that time, I've already accepted the fact I was having a boy and not a girl. I don't know about my fiance Eric. I think secretly he was hoping it was going to turn out to be a girl. I told him "don't get your hopes up babe"lol. I am very excited that my son jayvin will have a lil brother to play with. And yes I have picked out a name for my lil baby boy. His name will be Juellz (Hawaiian name that starts with a k) Auwae Hernandez. I wanted to keep his name close to my first son's, which is Jayvin Kalani Auwae Hernandez.

 baby Juellz ultra sound pic/big brother Jayvin

I can't wait to see what juellz looks like. I hope he looks more like me and acts a lil bit like me as well. I love feeling him kick and move around. It makes me so happy to know that soon I will hold my lil Juellz in my arms. I still have a long ways to go before I get to my due date, which is June-12-2012. I hope it goes by fast. I'm trying to keep myself busy by blogging and planning the baby shower..oh yeah and by shopping for him. I can spend all day just thinking about what I want to buy him and What theme I want for the baby Shower. And I've already figured that part out. It will be an owl theme. I'm also planning on making owl baby shower invitations myself. I hope they turn out great..lol. Wish me luck lol since it will be My first time making my own invitations from scratch. At least it will give me something to do since I have a lot of spare time now that I'm a stay at home mom and I take care of Jayvin. Jayvin tends to forget about mommy though, because he's so busy playing on his Ipod or watching team umizoomi. (super sad face) He's growing up so fast. Oh and I forgot to tell you how excited I am to try cloth diapering. I know everyone thinks I'm crazy but I have done a lot of research and talked to other moms. It seems to be the best thing not only for your baby but for planet earth lol. my mom says I'm turning green on her lol. But honestly I'm just tired of wasting money on disposable diapers that are getting really pricey these days. I have already taken a class on how to take care of them and which brands are best for our family and baby. I've already started my diaper Stash. I would suggest new moms or even moms on their second baby to give them a try. Their worth it once you learn how to use them.The best part is..that when your child stop using them you can resale them. They never lose value. Very cool.

Any ways I think I'm done for tonight. I'm getting tired. I will talk to you soon loves. Night<3

This is just the beginning of blogging my life, memories, and moments. I would love to give my cousin's wife a special thanks for suggesting to start a blog. I think this will do me some good. Especially since my life is sometimes a roller coaster of emotions and sometimes unexpected events. So since I am expecting company I will have to keep this short and sweet. I have so much to share and excited to start this journey of blogging. Until next time loves <3